Monday, August 31, 2015

dear future husband...

When I was a teenager I had a list.
It was a list of all the things I hoped for in a husband/father for my children.

Nice.  Motivated.
Worthy priesthood holder. 
Thoughtful.  Responsible.
Fun. Funny.
Loyal. Trust worthy.
Happy. Good teeth.
Nice to his mom.  Clean.
BABE.  Nice to MY mom. 
Nice to animals.  Respectful.

Smart. Obedient. 

You know. The basics. 

The funny thing is now I'm asking my daughters to start making THIER lists. 
It's pretty fun actually. 
It's fun to see what they put on their list.
And I love to suggest few, too. ;)

We all have that wish list to some degree, right?
We try to be around people that fit our list to some extent, right? We have goals. And standards. 
As long as most of those list requirements are met...and if there is LOVE, then go for it, yes? 

Well, I also started talking to my girls about being the kind of girl that THAT kind of boy wants. NOT that I'm telling them to be what someone wants regardless of who you really are, but be true to yourself AND live a life that will get you the man you want. If you want a trust worthy spouse you should probably BE trust worthy yourself. If you want someone nice...then you probably shouldn't kick that cat that drives you nuts. When you are out looking for the kind of spouse you want, the kind of parent you want for your children...remember you are being watched, too. You can't just expect to have and get whatever you want in this world, but that you have to earn it. And that includes a spouse. You can't just say oh hey hi you look great and seem nice. I want you. Wait what about what THEY want. Its kind of the "do unto others" bit...if you want something good, be something good.

I'm sure there are plenty of people screaming with words like,"someone should like you just the way you are!!" "Be who you are and someone will accept you just that way!" "you should form yourself to someones ELSES ideas!"
Yeah. I get it folks. TRUST me. I was in a marriage where I was expected to be someone I wasn't.
And it frustrated the daylights out of the spouse because I didn't understand why I couldn't just be me!
Thats not what I'm saying.
I'm teaching my daughters to hold them selves to a certain standard...especially if they are holding their future spouse to a certain standard. 

In our marriages its the same way. We have to give and give and give. We have to be something great for the other person. We have to make our love our number one. We want to be loved and taken care of...well so does our spouse. It will never be JUST about what you want. It will NEVER be just about you and your lists. If you think it is... yeah no. It's not like that. And if you think but mine IS, I promise it won't be for long.

So now, my daughters have two lists...well my two oldest do (so far). 
A list of all the great things they think a wonderful husband will and should be for them. 
And a list of things they will be/do for someone else.
going into a relationship with strictly demands and expectations for the other isn't reality.
They need to know things are expected of them, too.
I want my children to hold themselves accountable for their choices and actions. 
And hopefully that
will be a guide to the kind of life they will have in the future.

And don't think for a second I don't have a list for my husband and I.
Because I do. 

Friday, August 28, 2015

Fathers day cookies...

I have this recipe...Its scrumptious. We call it Fathers day cookies because its a HEARTY man bite kinda cookie. Its loaded with a whole lot of stuffs that make this cookie my FAVORITE!! Heres what I use...

Fathers Day Cookies

1 3/4 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt

mix those in a small bowl.

then in a large mixer bowl, add:

1 1/4 cups packed brown sugar
1 cup (2 sticks) butter softened
1/2 cup granulated sugar

mix until cream-ish

then add:
2 eggs
2 Tbsp. milk
2 tsp. vanilla

so it looks like chocolate chip cookie dough, right?  right. now here's the big daddy part.


2 cups oatmeal
about 1 cup chocolate chips
about 1 cup white chocolate chips
a handful of chopped walnuts
and a handful of coconut

now all of these are just to tatse. you can add more of whatever.

bake @ 375* for about 9 or 10 mins. watch the first batch...check around 8 mins to make sure
they DONT burn:)

Oh honey you can thank me later ;) 


Thursday, August 27, 2015

a glorious kind of trust...

 I drive my kids to school everyday. The drive there ISN'T quiet. We do a seat belt check, then shoe check, backpack lunch and homework check. A did you get all your breakfast in your belly check. essential Oils check, prayer check, sign your planner check, kiss check, then out the door they go. Mama does a quick car floor/seat check and then a did all my kids got in the doors on time check. 
When I drive silence, I do a LOT of thinking. Most times I'm thinkning of my kids. Then my babe-a-licious husband. I think about the things they need. I think about the things I need to do. I think about the things i WANT to do...which aren't never REALLY the things I need to do. ;) i think about how much I love my children. I think about how much those babies love me. How much they need me. How much my children trust me. They just wake up everyday knowing I'll be there for them. They know I'll help them get ready. They know I'll get them to school on time. They know I will come back for them. 
 It truly amazes me. 

And it really is just so simple really. They are these perfect tiny babies that come into an unknown world and from the very moment they recreated they just ARE. They don't have anything to do but grow. And be. And then one day they come into the world and land into our arms. They immediately have needs. And those needs are met. Without a thought. And so it is...the relationship between a child and a parent. And the child should and most often times does know their needs are and will always be met. 

In most cases, these precious humans only have to say the word, or scream the sound, and with that they KNOW all will be well. Isn't that crazy? and beautiful? (And sometimes exhausting...but still so wonderful?). the greatest gifts come from that kind of love and devotion and trust. 

And thats what I want to post about today. TRUST. 

I have this daughter. my sweet {S}. She has, from day one, been my healer. She has such a special place (as all my children do) in my heart. This girl is my first child. She came to me in a beautiful way. She came a the perfect time. She healed a lot of my heart that was broken. And when i went through one of my most difficult challenges in life, SHE was with me every step of the way. She was a tiny girl who somehow let her light his right through to me. She lifted my heart. She loved me. I needed her. And she needed me. 

That little girl has ALWAYS looked at me with the most pure love and trust. That girl would stop a train if i asked her to. That girl hears my voice in her scariest moments and KNOWS she can come out on top. That girl knows I would never lead her down a wrong path, and therefore trust EVERY last thing I say and do. 

Its a glorious kind of trust. 

And a heavy responsibility to have that.

I have always seen this trust she has in me and have ALWAYS known not to break it. I have DEFINATLY let her down at times when I have had a bad day and let my impatience get he best of me. BUT she knows there is nothing in this whole wide world that means more to me than her and her sisters and their daddy. Knowing how much she looks up to me and trusts me and loves me has made me hold muse;f accountable for every action I make. I know I have little eyes watching me. I know someone is counting on me.

Being a parent has been the most rewarding job I have ever had and it has been the most self conscious thing I have ever done. I watch what I say do eat drink wear think and how I act. I make choices ALL day everyday with them in mind. I really don't know what I'll do when they are all grown...of course I am still a parent with eyes watching me BUT I won't be raising little humans. I will have already done that and have adult children with beliefs and standards and ideas. 

But for now, I will always live up to the trust my children have in me. I will do my best to NOT break that trust, and if/when I do, I will apologize for the things I need to apologize for. Because being a parent isn't about having pride. I will tach my children it is MORE than okay to see that I am not perfect. That we are in this together. Growing and learning and making memories together.  I am doing my best because they are the BEST thing I have ever been given. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

healthy body image...

Change. It's something every human goes through. We grow and age and change. Our minds and bodies change. And as a mother of four and turning 35 right quick, it is 
obvious I don't look like I did 20 years ago. 
(did I just type 20 years ago?? sheesh! I'm getting up there!)

As a child and teenager our bodies are usually strong and fit, have energy and our skin has great amounts of elasticity and collagen. 
  As young adults and adults, we loose some of that. Naturally. 
Add on top of natural aging and growth, a woman who has had a child or multiple children sees major changes. Within a few weeks and months of pregnancy our bodies change. And they will NEVER go back tot he exact way they used to be. I mean of course they won't...they will age no matter what, duh. BUT so many different changes will take place during pregnancy. 

See that girl? Puff face. Full belly. Fanny that is extra large. Yeah. She is on baby number three in this photo ...and she KNOWS she ain't never gonna be full in the right places again. ;)

Its crazy how quickly and dramatically bodies can change. 
And they do.

So my question is can a woman , one who is growing and aging and giving birth to little humans, get used to her new body? How can she accept it and love it? How can she learn to see herself differently (literally) as a new woman? 

I have an amazing mother. 
She NEVER made weight an issue in my life. I would see her go on "walks" sometimes and I would even join her as a teenager. We got to chat and build our relationship. But NEVER did I ever see her as a work out queen or listen to her count calories or cut her portions in half. 
She 4'11" tall. She had SIX children, one of them weighing 10 pounds 14 ounces at birth. 
She is tiny. I saw her put on weight child after child and never make mention about it as a concern in front of me. She gave me the GREATEST example of healthy body image. 
She taught me without saying anything, that her body was wonderful because she gave life to our family and she was happy and did the things she loved. 

As a mother of FOUR girls, I have the great responsibility to teach them these same things. 
Each of my children are COMPLETELY different from the others. 
I have a brown hair brown eyed tall  graceful beauty.
I have a Blonde hair brown eyed average height sporty babe.
I have a tiny little blonde hair blue eyed dancer.
And I have a blonde hair blue eyed love with CURLY hair. 

Since they were small, they would line up by my bathroom door to get their hair done each day. I would start their hair. We would chat. When I would finish, I would tell them how pretty they looked, but then look them in the eyes and say, "but your heart is more beautiful than your face. And because your heart is beautiful, it makes YOU the most beautiful." 

As they have gotten older, I have shared conversations with them about their appearance. 
They KNOW what the most important beauty is. BUT we are human. AND we are girls! 
So it is inevitable to have the concerns of the world.
 I can't tell you the number of times I have lifted my shirt and shown my children my belly. The extra skin I carry. The funny way it hangs when I sit down and how it magically disappears when I stand up. I have talked to them about my ever changing uppers.  Blampers. Hoo hoo's. Whatever you call them. That they are important for human life to care for our new babies. That they are beautiful no matter the size because they are part of them. Part of a body that will do GREAT things in this world. We have chatted about pimples. I have shown them mine...and even popped a few for them...
just for kicks;) 
I have shown them my splint end hairs. 
I have confessed that I have had a cavity (gasp). 
We have chatted about my laugh lines. How they got there. What they mean to me. 
What they mean to them.
I am NOT a "perfect" body. 
Or am I? 

I have a great lesson to teach. Especially in a world of fillers and make up and plastic. 
(I'm NOT knocking anyone)
I have the chance to teach self acceptance. To show them that no matter what, 
they are GORGEOUS just the way they are. They have work to do and joy to have and life to live and their body, no matter what size or flaw, is the vessel in which to help them accomplish all they want to. 

The task is great. I take it seriously. And I have try to have fun with it. 
I am not perfect...I am normal. I am a growing woman. 
I'm NOT 18 years old. And I'm not in competition with anyone. Especially and 18 year old  (ha!).
I am supposed to age. And supposed to change. And my aging handsome husband is, too. WE are doing what everyone SAYS they want to do...grow old together. 

I fell in love with a 22 year old boy. 
Full of life and happiness and motivation to make our lives great.
 I have watched him grow and learn and become the most handsome MAN I know. 
And he fell in love with a 24 year old single mama. 
A girl with a new look on life and two precious baby girls. 
He has watched me grow into the woman I am today. 
I am proud of us. And our faces, hair and bodies tell our story. 
They show our new beauty.

I am 100% secure in my body. 
Somedays I don't LOVE the flabby tush I have earned, but it's mine.
And I see myself beautiful even with it. :)
One day, if my children decide that they are most secure and happy with a medical procedure etc to change their body back to something close to what they used to be, I would NEVER shame them. 
I want my children to be secure no matter what. I'm hoping to give them a healthy body image so they won't feel the need to do those things. However if they do, I will support and love them no matter what. 
But for now, 
my girls think I am the most beautiful girl in the world. They tell me daily. 
One of the greatest part of my days is when my little ones watch me put my make up on and they say, "you're so pretty mama. But your heart is even more."


Monday, August 24, 2015

check yourself ...

Again, running through my old blog I read this post and thought maybe I should share it HERE :) 

check yourself...

I have been thinking about ways to share our diabetic experiences with anyone who will listen really, and  I thought hey...I'll make a youtube video of a few things! So, you can check out my video about checking yourself AND about late night lows @ {link is also in top right corner} .

When we came home from the  hospital with Sydney, after she had been diagnosed, we gathered our girls around the kitchen so we could use our new meters to check all of our children. We felt the need to check them all because we really had NO idea where this came from! NO ONE on either sides of her family has had Type 1 diabetes. We were baffled. We wanted to just make sure that we wee all cleared. We checked Emily first. the meter said HI which usually means the number is too high for the meter to read. the meters go up to 600. Andy and i looked at each other with a shocked confused this cant be happening look that i won't ever ever forget. We tried it again. It still said HI. My heart sank. Andy immediately went to panic overdrive. This COULDN'T be happening...could it? We JUST got out of the hospital where we watched our oldest daughter suffer in severe ketoacidosis, we learned a WHOLE new way of living and how to take care of our 8 year old daughter with a new disease. Please keep in mind we had a 3 year old and a 3 month old at this time as well, and that our 3 month old was put in the NICU a few hours after birth for a few days. To say we were exhausted was an understatement. We then checked Drew. Her number was okay. We then checked out tiny baby girl. She was okay. We looked at each other, I took a deep breathe and said we needed to pack a bag, don't forget the phone charger, lets read scriptures, say our prayers and i would take the drive to the ER with Emily.

Thats where my dad came to give a blessing while we waited to hear the news...Emily was ALSO diabetic. We were transported to the childrens hospital in town. When we walked in, the nurses had the craziest looks on their faces. They, too, couldn't belive we were back. That just days before, we brought out oldest daughter in and as we were taking care of one child, our childs body was going down hill.
 We spent a couple days there, again, and when we came home our new lives began. 

We now check each member of our family every so often. We don't know where this came from. We DO know that Type 1 can be diagnosed at any age. We check to be safe. We are SO extremely lucky that we checked Emily when we did. She didn't have to suffer the pain and sadness that Sydney did and we didn't have as much fear because she didn't go into SKA. 

SO. If you can...check yourself. :)

i also have a teeny video on my youtube channel about this :) check it out 

once i was a brace face...

       adult braces....I had them. I just recently got them taken off. I was scrolling through an          old blog and i re-read this article. MAN! those braces were such a big part of my life. I remember thinking so many times in my life that I probably would NEVER get braces. I surly needed them but it wasn't something my parents could afford when I was younger and as an adult it didn't seem necessary.  Until I started to chip teeth. I was grinding and clinching my teeth at night. And with an over bite and teeth pushed back, they were colliding. So, it was braces for me! Here's a little bit from my days  with train tracks in my mouth! 

These braces have honestly been such a great thing! I don't want to say I love them...but I DO! So, to sound like a normal person, I'll make a list of things I DIDN'T love...but then I'll make a list of things i did/do love!

-SPRINGS. I did NOT love the couple times I had springs. At one point I had two on the bottom and I thought my mouth was going to fall off. My head ached. I didn't want to eat. Can you believe that?!!

-NEW WIRES. New wires meant progression. So I DID like that but new wires meant new positioning usually of my brackets which meant...gishy goo. I would get new sores all the time in my mouth.
video about how to use gishy goo on my youtube channel 

-SORES. I have had so many sores I lost count. Sometimes they were so deep. Gishy Goo was the best most refreshing relief! 

-REPOSITIONING. A few different times I had brackets taken off to reposition them. I didn't like that. :( 

There was one time when i had a bracket repositioned that the bracket WOULDN'T come off. The doctor had to YANK it off. i thought my tooth came out. My jaw locked up (dang TMJ) for an hour and i had a sore on my lip inside from the stress.  

-BRUSHING. Brushing and cleaning became one of the worst things I had to do. I literally took 20 mins the first few weeks figuring out my new mouth. By the end it was closer to two or three minutes. The better my teeth got, the easier it was to clean :) these goodies helped me so much!

-EATING. Eatting was SO difficult sometimes. Like SO difficult. I haven't eaten an apple normally for almost two years. Eating a hamburger or sandwich was a night mare, too. :(


my smile!!!

I have PLENTY of things that were not so great about braces but MAN! the pain only lasted for a bit. and each month i could see changes. Month after month i felt my bite change in a great way. Month after Month i was more confident with my smile! I am 20 months into these things and I am getting that itchy feeling to have them removed...big time!

 I had braces on for 2 years almost exactly...and I am SO grateful and glad I did! 
Being 33 and putting braces on was not part of my plan...BUT being 35 now and having straight healthy gorgeous teeth sure was worth it!

ps I have a TON of fun braces videos on my you tube channel  25treehouselane
check 'em out!


Friday, August 21, 2015

Blueberry HEAVEN...

Oh my gracious!! I found THE MOST delicious best blueberry muffin recipe EVER!!! shared this amazing recipe so I HAD to make them...and my family and I were NOT disappointed! We are suckers for a sweet treat and my man LOVES fresh blueberry muffins so this was a WIN all around. Oh and they are REALLY easy to make :) 

okay will need blueberries. 
2 1/2 cups of them. wash 'em up and put them aside. 

 In a bowl (kitchen aide)  whisk 1 cup of sugar plus 2TBS, 
 1 cup of oil (coconut or vegetable) 
 2 eggs        2/3 cup of milk     4 teaspoons pure vanilla.

Add 1 cup vanilla yogurt.

In a separate bowl whisk together 2 1/2 cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder,
2 pinches of salt. 
Add slowly to the wet mixture.

This is where we add those gorgeous berries. 
I put 2 cups right in the bowl and mixed softly with a spatula. 
Then I took my large cookie scoop from pampered chef and 
scooped that gorgeous batter into paper lined cup cake tins. 
they were about 3/4 of the way full. 
I took the rest of the blueberries and sprinkled them on top of some of the muffins. You don't have to do this...there are really SO many berries in these. 

I baked them at 375* for 20 mins. they looked like they could use a few more minutes in the oven but resisted the temptation and they are PERFECT!

I made almost 3 dozen muffins with this recipe. The original recipe says this would yield 18 but I got 34 out of it! And I ate about a dozen all by myself. (word) 

 Why yes. Yes, I would LOVE to enjoy one while I blog.

enjoy!! and share...if you can ;) 


Thursday, August 20, 2015

proud supporter of messy hair and sweat pants...

We all have them...those graphic T shirts that say exactly what we are thinking.
Where we are from. What our fave color is. Our fave sports team. How we are feeling at that moment. The slogan we live our life by. Our political stance, etc etc.
 Hey, I'm guilty of owning a few...

Just in case I forget my name ;)

But there is one that rings true to my soul. One that makes me feel like everything I am is acceptable...because lets face it, there are plenty of times, no matter how secure we are with ourselves, we feel judged.

 This is MY shirt. 
like for reals.

The very first time I saw it I was like YES! I am!!
And then I saw other mamas wearing it. And I thought YES! I'm not alone!

I have been known for a very long time as the pajama wearing friend. The friend who gets dressed only if she MUST because she is going into public and has to actually GET OUT of her car. Because yes, I have defiantly done the "get ready only half way" routine a number of times before. ( I put make up on and a cute shirt and my hair is three days old yet I still can make it happen.) So, if someone sees me through the window they might think she's adorable! But yeah no. From the window down,  I'm in moose jammies that are ripped across the bottom because I am OBSESSED with my pants being much too long so I step on them constantly and I WONT get rid of them and probably not even wearing matching shoes. 
I wave as I pass friends I know on the way to school drop off, thinking,  "they'll never know!" or, "hopefully they won't stop me."

So on those rare days that I MUST get ready, the very first thing I do when I get home is

 1. wash my hands...duh. (haven't you heard I am OCD?)  
2. strip down

I jump RIGHT into the comfiest clothes I have...which are usually pajamas.
I have a slew of them: grey sweats, black sweats, turquoise cotton pants, purple pants, purple gathered at the bottom sweats, moose pants, basketball shorts, maroon sweats etc etc. I am not without comfy bottoms. 

Throughout the years I have been teased (in a loving way I'm sure) by my pals about this. Please  don't forget,  I sure LOVE to get dressed up... I just would rather stay dressed down. And I would like to be accepted for THAT. I feel like I have been judged in a negative way at times because I don't care to doll up my face everyday, poof my hair every morning, wear the perfect matching outfit WITH accessories and hand bag and high heels or boots to my knees. I'm not writing this to point fingers or pity myself by ANY means. This is more of an "accept yourself" post. Because lets face it, we all feel judged. We all try hard to fit in. We all want to be accepted. And whether you tell yourself everyday that you really don't care what people think about you, whether your shirt says "take a hike" or 'haters are gunna hate" the truth is we all want to be accepted. It's just the funniest thing to me. That we can so easily be knocked off our confident box because of what ONE persons opinion might be. And granted, they can have that opinion all they want...but it doesn't mean that is the only truth. The only thing right. That what they say should be the way things are or should be. 

                      So when I saw this shirt, I was beyond excited! I thought YES! THIS is mine. And the funniest thing happened...other girls liked it, too. And I saw other girls wear it. And I thought YES. WE are proud because we KNOW what messy hair means. We know what sweat pants mean. Maybe it means we gave our time to get ready in the morning to someone else. Maybe one of our children wanted their hair curled that day so you spent the extra time on them. Or maybe you were up all night with a sick babe, so rolling out of bed with a few hours of sleep behind you was all you could do because you took care of that precious babe. Or maybe your husband woke up early with a lot on his mind and instead of putting make up on you listened to his concerns intently. Maybe you are getting over a cold you have had that your precious ones gave to you...twice. Maybe your grandmother just died. Maybe you made a hot surprise breakfast for your children. Maybe you wanted to pack your spouse a sack lunch and write a note for them, too. Maybe you just needed a day AWAY from the pretties to be plain. Maybe you want to make SURE your four daughters know its MORE than okay to not wear make up. That painting your face ISN'T the only way you can leave your house. (blog another day).That make up is fun but its just that.  

   There are SO many reasons I jump into my pajamas...or never even get out of them. There are many more reasons why my hair doesn't get done everyday. Why my curly brown hair is usually tied up in a rubber band that is overly stretched. Why my squinty eyes DON'T have my favorite mascara on them. And THAT is what I am proud of. I am proud to be me. I am proud of the things I do that keep me in my sweats. And when I see another girl wearing the same look as me I think YES.
She feels me. And then I am proud of her, too.
Because we are BOTH proud supporters of messy hair and sweat pants.

To be a stay at home mom takes a lot of selflessness.
No...we don't forget to take care of ourselves...well not all the time, 
but mostly its that we don't mind giving of ourselves. 
That shirt is also my favorite. 


Wednesday, August 19, 2015


I have been blessed with AMAZING grandmas. One is Mexican. The other is Scot-Irish. 
My mexican grandma, we call her MaConChita, was the master at her craft. She could make a perfect Mexican meal for us at anytime of day. Naturally. 
Her beans, though. THEY are truly heaven on Earth. 

Well, one summer she taught me how to make Mole. 
I'm going to share her recipe BUT please please note that you should have your windows opened to air out your house while making this because these chiles are POTENT:)

You can find these few ingredients in the produce section or your grocery store. To make it simple find a Mexican grocery to get exactly what you want :)

Red Enchilada Sauce

About 30 small red chili's
About 12 large red chili's
About 2 TBS molido

(open windows and doors)

Boil red chilis, small in a pot and large in another pot, without stems. 
Water should cover the top of the chilis.
Once chilis feel limp and soft, add some of the large water/chili mixture to a blender. 
Empty into a large bowl and then add small chili water mixture to a blender.  
Empty into another large bowl. 
You should have a bowl or blended LARGE CHILI mixture and a bowl of SMALL CHILI mixture.
Add large chili mixture to blender, adding small amounts of small chili mixture to it. Use SMALL amounts pf the small chilis mixture as they are VERY HOT!

This is where you can add crushed red pepper or chili powder if desired.
Then add molido a tablespoon at a time.  
Molido will calm the heat. 
 We jar this and use it as often as needed. 


At least a dozen warmed tortillas
4 chicken breasts (boiled and shredded)
1 small can diced green chilis
1 1/2 cups sour cream (and more for later)
lots of cheese. I use at least a cup
I first bill my chicken and then use my kitchen aid to shred the daylights out of it :)

Then I mix in a bowl cheese, sour cream, green chilis and mole. 

I mix this with the shredded chicken. 
Warm up your tortillas. I like to stuff mine full so i use at LEASET 12 tortillas but sometimes 15. Stuff those babies up and line them in a pyrex dish or a parchment lined cookies sheet. 

After I stuff them and line them up in a pan, I pour mole on top of them, spread that all over and then cover with shredded cheese. 

I bake these in an oven set at 350* for 10-15 mins or until the cheese has melted on top.

You can also top with olives and more green chilis before you bake them. 
Serve with sour cream, beans and rice. 
