We all have them...those graphic T shirts that say exactly what we are thinking.
Where we are from. What our fave color is. Our fave sports team. How we are feeling at that moment. The slogan we live our life by. Our political stance, etc etc.
Hey, I'm guilty of owning a few...
Just in case I forget my name ;)
But there is one that rings true to my soul. One that makes me feel like everything I am is acceptable...because lets face it, there are plenty of times, no matter how secure we are with ourselves, we feel judged.
This is MY shirt.
like for reals.
The very first time I saw it I was like YES! I am!!
And then I saw other mamas wearing it. And I thought YES! I'm not alone!
I have been known for a very long time as the pajama wearing friend. The friend who gets dressed only if she MUST because she is going into public and has to actually GET OUT of her car. Because yes, I have defiantly done the "get ready only half way" routine a number of times before. ( I put make up on and a cute shirt and my hair is three days old yet I still can make it happen.) So, if someone sees me through the window they might think she's adorable! But yeah no. From the window down, I'm in moose jammies that are ripped across the bottom because I am OBSESSED with my pants being much too long so I step on them constantly and I WONT get rid of them and probably not even wearing matching shoes.
I wave as I pass friends I know on the way to school drop off, thinking, "they'll never know!" or, "hopefully they won't stop me."
So on those rare days that I MUST get ready, the very first thing I do when I get home is
1. wash my hands...duh. (haven't you heard I am OCD?)
2. strip down
I jump RIGHT into the comfiest clothes I have...which are usually pajamas.
I have a slew of them: grey sweats, black sweats, turquoise cotton pants, purple pants, purple gathered at the bottom sweats, moose pants, basketball shorts, maroon sweats etc etc. I am not without comfy bottoms.
Throughout the years I have been teased (in a loving way I'm sure) by my pals about this. Please don't forget, I sure LOVE to get dressed up... I just would rather stay dressed down. And I would like to be accepted for THAT. I feel like I have been judged in a negative way at times because I don't care to doll up my face everyday, poof my hair every morning, wear the perfect matching outfit WITH accessories and hand bag and high heels or boots to my knees. I'm not writing this to point fingers or pity myself by ANY means. This is more of an "accept yourself" post. Because lets face it, we all feel judged. We all try hard to fit in. We all want to be accepted. And whether you tell yourself everyday that you really don't care what people think about you, whether your shirt says "take a hike" or 'haters are gunna hate" the truth is we all want to be accepted. It's just the funniest thing to me. That we can so easily be knocked off our confident box because of what ONE persons opinion might be. And granted, they can have that opinion all they want...but it doesn't mean that is the only truth. The only thing right. That what they say should be the way things are or should be.
So when I saw this shirt, I was beyond excited! I thought YES! THIS is mine. And the funniest thing happened...other girls liked it, too. And I saw other girls wear it. And I thought YES. WE are proud because we KNOW what messy hair means. We know what sweat pants mean. Maybe it means we gave our time to get ready in the morning to someone else. Maybe one of our children wanted their hair curled that day so you spent the extra time on them. Or maybe you were up all night with a sick babe, so rolling out of bed with a few hours of sleep behind you was all you could do because you took care of that precious babe. Or maybe your husband woke up early with a lot on his mind and instead of putting make up on you listened to his concerns intently. Maybe you are getting over a cold you have had that your precious ones gave to you...twice. Maybe your grandmother just died. Maybe you made a hot surprise breakfast for your children. Maybe you wanted to pack your spouse a sack lunch and write a note for them, too. Maybe you just needed a day AWAY from the pretties to be plain. Maybe you want to make SURE your four daughters know its MORE than okay to not wear make up. That painting your face ISN'T the only way you can leave your house. (blog another day).That make up is fun but its just that.
There are SO many reasons I jump into my pajamas...or never even get out of them. There are many more reasons why my hair doesn't get done everyday. Why my curly brown hair is usually tied up in a rubber band that is overly stretched. Why my squinty eyes DON'T have my favorite mascara on them. And THAT is what I am proud of. I am proud to be me. I am proud of the things I do that keep me in my sweats. And when I see another girl wearing the same look as me I think YES.
She feels me. And then I am proud of her, too.
Because we are BOTH proud supporters of messy hair and sweat pants.
To be a stay at home mom takes a lot of selflessness.
No...we don't forget to take care of ourselves...well not all the time,
but mostly its that we don't mind giving of ourselves.
That shirt is also my favorite.
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