They grow up. I mean it. Its the worst. Its the truth that we all know and the truth we will all face. But there have defiantly been times when I think it will never come. Somedays we have this thought in back of our minds that as we are living in the roughest worst times a human being can ever be subjected to, it won't ever end! Our homes will always be a mess ( this is true..and I don't like it), we won't EVER get a good night sleep, and can't we just make ONE meal that everyone likes! Sheesh!
The fighting NEVER ends! The homework keeps adding up. The chores arent done correctly, the car is always a wreck, won't ANYONE ever empty the dish washer without being asked? The laundry will NEVER...really it just won't EVER stop piling up. Who wears tis stuff anyway?! Seriously didn't you just try this on and now its in the hamper?! The shower will always be an area of fussing, someone will always need their hair redone and my gas tan will never be filled for more than a day.
Its the worst!! Did I really sign up for this? Permanent taxi driver...thats me! Expert birthday present getter for the past...HI! i'm right here! Diorama and science project professional ...its in my resume.
This is the time of my life where sometimes seeing the light at the and of the
tunnel is NOT happening.
But the flip side seems awful.
I'm no expert on this flying the coop thing. I haven't experienced it at all yet. But as I watch my parents go through each of their six children leaving the nest, I can't help but think what it could be like for me. And when I DO think about it, I want to vomit. Because these girls are my whole life. 15 years ago my life became something greater. It actually MEANT something. These chidlren, one by one, changed me and have made me who I really am today. (yes, taxi driver is part of who I am..and I'm okay with that). My life has revolved around them. My thoughts decisions and actions have been for them. So to imagine one by one they will LEAVE...AHHH! How is that possibly the best thing for anyone?!
Its a truth I don't want to know. It's a truth I am hesitant to meet. When the day comes I know I will put on brave face on and be excited while preparing each of them for a new chapter...and I will crumble the moment they take flight. I know I will be happy for them...they will be doing whats good and right. But my mommy heart will break. And my mommy heart will lean on and hold tight to the faith I have in them and the way I have tried to raise them. All my days of thought and prayer and concern and energy given for these babes will be put to the test. The truth will be known. How did I REALLY do as a parent? Did I teach them enough? Did I love them enough? The truth is one day it won't be up to me anymore. One day the fruits of my labor will be shown. And my beautiful chicks will become beautiful swans, gliding and floating and making their marks in the world.
Its a day I am completely comfortable with taking its time to get here.
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