I finished a book the other day. A friend recommended it to me. Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis. I loved it. I loved it so much. While reading it I felt important. I felt motivated. I felt like I wasn't alone in the feelings and thoughts I have. And as per normal, I didn't relate to all of the topics she shared at this moment in my life, but some were spot on! Some were spot on for Teresa circa 1998. Some were Teresa circa 2007. Some of the topics are Teresa right this minute!
One of her topics about setting goals had my bestie thinking...which then got me thinking. The bestie said something to the effect of, "Dude! We are total losers! We don't have any goals!" jk. She didn't say it like that ;) But, what she did say was that we NEED goals. My rebuttal to that was, "Oh honey, we have LOTS of goals!" I started thinking of the goals and listing them. Getting children to bed on time. Getting family to church on time. Planning next activity for the youth in our ward. Washing and folding all of the laundry. Attending the temple once a week. As I listed and she listened, we realized all of our goals are mommy goals or calling goals. Some of our other pals chimed in as well and mentioned their goals. Making sure our children stayed alive each day was one of the responses...which is actually real life. Ask anyone.
As we kept thinking, we realized its so important to make goals as a mother, but we need to make goals for ourselves. This includes goals for our marriages. As a mother, we know how easy it is to be sucked into the Mommy Zone. Hey lemme just stop right there and say some of us LOOOOOVE the Mommy Zone! I can get lost in it for months, completely saturated in the work of my family and be perfectly happy!! BUT, there will come the time when in some way or another we realize what has happened to us and we say, "Pump the brakes! I need a breather."
So, we decided to make some personal goals. Bestie said she wanted to make sure she had gum in her purse. So she did it. GOAL! Start blogging again. GOAL! Running everyday was another goal. Not punching a wall when we get frustrated. Making dinner in the croc pot on tennis match days. Read a book you love...the actual book, not audible, Teresa. ;) Make a certain time for just you and your spouse each day/night. These are great goals!
As I hit the ground running with these goals I feel better about myself already. I haven't made any long term goals quite yet, mine are for the next month. But, its start. And thats what I'd like to motivate you today with!
Start small.
A goal is a goal no matter the size. Tell yourself you want to accomplish SOMETHING. If you want a goal of traveling the world thats great! Write it down! But if you haven't made and reached a goal for awhile you might want to pick something that will encourage you and not set you back. Seriously. I want so badly to travel to Jerusalem. Scotland. Iceland. Thailand. And more! But, if I get too far ahead of myself it will discourage me. Maybe you don't work that way... so have at it! London bound you are! But, I know I should start with something I KNOW I can achieve in the near future so I can feel pumped and believe in myself! Also...children. My big goals of traveling really do revolve around school schedules and budgets. Sharing my money with the minions is real life. ;)
Make a list.
Organize and prioritize your goals. See which ones you really want to get done. Ask yourself what their benefits are to your life. Which ones are attainable in the near future and which ones will take more time.
Achieve them!
Get moving! Nothing is stopping you from reaching your goals! Set your mind to it and go!! And don't forget to enjoy the ride!
xo- teresa
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