Wednesday, September 2, 2015

confessions of a self controlled shop-aholic...

true story. 
i'm sue i'm not alone in this one. now let me start off by saying

my favorite: grocery shopping.
second fave: clothes...duh.
then linens.
and stuff for my kids bedrooms.
Then decor for my living room.
then kitchen stuffs. OH how I love a new spatula.

But lemme much as I LOVE to shop...I have SO much self control! My husband might not think so, but he hasn't ever shopped with other women before. ;)

If I had a dollar for every time I went shopping and DIDNT buy stuff...I would be rich!!
When I go shopping for things I need, I most always have a list.
And I ALWAYS have a budget. (yuck)

The worst for me is Target. Walking inn those doors fully knowing there will be DARLING thank you cards staring me straight in the eye, and gobs of bathing suits practically reaching out for me!! Walking the isles and seeing purses...ooooh the purses. They are my kryptonite. Making my rounds I ignore the shoes for my girls, the seasonal goodies (halloween tempts me almost every time!), I drool over the bright colored dishes and then the books! heart be still. I wish i could buy every book for my girls! I look the other way only to see the highly over lit make up area...RUN! but but but don;t I NEED a new finger nail polish?! Or that YES to carrots hand wipes?? OH! They have my fave Elf tweezers again!! No. Nope. Keep walking, Tree. You gotta get past this. And guess what? I DO. I walk right past it...unless it's on my list (note to self...put nail polish on my list every time ;).
I walk past the treats. I walk to the register rubber necking the girls clothing area...making my feet march out of there!  Check out, pay the lady and walk away smelling the fresh (disgusting) popcorn my kids beg me to get every time...and sometimes I give in. Geeeeeeeeze! thats THE WORST. 

 Other rough spots for me- a little boutique called Blue Linen. Then TjMaxx. And don't even ask how I keep myself from buying every watch at fossil and EVERY hand bag at Bohme. I really don't know how I do it ;). 

BUT, I will say this. If I see something I love but I JUST can't figure out how to fit in in my budget, I sleep on it. Seriously. If I wake up so mad that I didn't buy it the day before and scared to pieces that someone else might get it first (gasp!!) Like the photo says...NOTHING haunts this girl more than the things I didn't buy! I rush my fanny to the store and buy it! :) My husband doesn't like that part. At all. But I just can't live without it!! 

Bottom line, I feel like I should earn a medal. Truly. My gal pals tease that has it easy! that my babe wouldn't believe the amount  of things they buy and I don't. ;) So, my darling...I am such a good girl.
And I totally have self control. Until I just simply can't ;) 


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