P is for penis. Thats what a boys private parts are called. But let me tell you...having only daughters, it really wasn't something I ever had to talk about. Until they asked.
I grew up with three brothers. Two which I helped changed diapers for. I'm sure at a young age I learned that boys are different from girls because boys are born with a pee pee and girls are born with a vagina.
But when I had my OWN children, I only had to teach to wipe their bummy. ( I know I know...we need to teach them the PROPER name for their privates. Blah. I know that...but those names are nasty. So while we know the technical term, we still call them bum, for butt, and bummy for vagina. get over it.) So when my third daughter was at a friends house that JUST had a baby, she asked what his thingie was. I wasn't there so my pal told her. No biggie. Thats when I realized that we had an issues here! My daughters hadn't been taught about boys parts because they never HAD to be taught! What ever will they do when they have to baby sit a little boy?? What about their husband?? Or their OWN children?? How will they ever survive?!!!
After NOT having to wipe a boy body for many years, I was given my brand new uncircumcised nephew to watch over night. Oh Hannah... I had to change him. What the heck did they expect me to do?? I couldnt TOUCH that thing! Maybe if I put three wipes together I wouldn't have to really touch it?? Or maybe I could just grab the top of it with a wipe in one hand and quickly wipe around it with a wipy in the other hand?? Maybe he will actually be just fine if he sat in the diaper over night...its not a big deal, baby. And plus, you even got yourself into this mess.
Yeah that didn't work. I HAD to change this baby. I loved him so much. I didn't want him to hurt. So I put on my big girl pants...and changed that thing.
I wanted to die.
Anything would be better than what I was doing right then.
I went as fast as I could...putting on a brave and serious and calm face my kids. So that they knew it wasn't weird...HA! It was SO weird.
Okay so after that, I knew I could NEVER get pregnant again. Because then I have chance of having to do that all the time. And that just wasn't acceptable.
After I put my weirdness on the shelf, I talked to my girls about it. Like I said, I didn't make a big deal about it front of them ( even though inside I was DYING). I just changed him and we were done. Yes. I let my daughters look while I was changing a diaper. No I did NOT make them feel bad about it. How else will they ever learn to help a baby?
Over the years we have had a few talks about the differences between boy and girl. Not just that we have different body parts, but that we tinkle differently, too. We had this talk MOSTLY because when one of my daughters walked in on my husband STANDING UP to pee, my little ones mind was BLOWN! How in the WORLD does he get his pee in the toilet standing up!?? Can I try that, too? This little one even said, "Mommy!! Why does daddys private look like Horton hears a who??" (tears of laughter inserted here). I about lost it when she said that!! MY poor husband, He deals with SO many things being the only male in our home.
Life with all girls has proven itself to be a lot of things. Tricky. Eventful. Emotional. Stressful and loud. Oh has it been loud. But we wouldn't trade it for anything.
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