Friday, October 30, 2015

top ten reasons I love being a mom..

1. Smooches.
Lets start off this list with this because, dude. You all know the daily amount of smooches we get from our babes is pretty much the main thing that keeps us going on this roller coaster! Who does't melt when their child plants on them?! 

2. Newborn snuggles.
Going right along with number 1, snuggles...from your newborn. Oh the delicious smell of a fresh new baby, bathed and lathered in baby magic lotion. Holding your child close to your chest and feeling their warm skin. (my uterus is screaming right now) It's. Magic.

3. Birthdays.
Oh dear me. How I love a birthday!! I love birthdays for my children, I love birthdays for you, I love birthdays for me, I  love birthdays for everyone!! I LOVE celebrate each one of my children lives! We re-tell each girls birthday story on their birthday so they can remember how important that day is. I love the individual celebration if each girl. The wonderful things they bring to our family and to the Earth. Oh and please don't forget how delicious birthday cake is! Yeah. Birthday cake should have its own number on this list ;)

4. An excuse to leave any terrible situation.
Oh me oh my. There have been PLENTY of times when I find myself in situation I wish I could run from. Plenty. And the, "I gotta go, she needs to lay down," or "Ew. She smells stinky. I better go change her," or the "I need to get my little one from school right quick," excuse has helped ...a lot.

5. Holidays.
These can be UBER expensive having children BUT the price we pay is ALWAYS worth the adorable dresseded up scarecrow or cowboy or bunny rabbit on Halloween. And the wish lists go on and on but on Christmas morning those glittery eyes that are surprised with all the Christmas wishes and dreams  make us do it again...year after year. And the yummy valentine candies we buy for them...and grab an extra for us...worth it. And teaching our babes why we celebrate The 4th of July, Thanksgiving and Martin Luther King Jr. day make Holidays one of THE greatest things about being a parent.

6. Acceptance.
If you have never felt accepted before, taken for exactly who you are, you are in for a huge surprise when you hold a new baby. They don't care about ANYTHING except love. Aaaaand a few gallons of milk. And some sleep, too. They don't care about what you did, what you say, how you think or what you wear. They're just hoping for a little love and prooobably praying that you won't drop them...which takes me to number 7...

Trust. These humans trust us adults with everything they have. They trust what we say. They trust what we feed them. They trust us while we drive, they trust us with their clothing. They trust that we are not feeding them poison and sending them to school in a swimsuit in the middle of winter. They get in a car, buckle up and look out the windows dreaming of the places they'll go, what a cow says and what their next meal will be. They just TRUST us. And that trust brings a GREAT feeling for us.  A reward that can't be bought...only earned.

8. Purpose.
Somedays I want to sleep in until 9 am. Lie. I'm lying. EVERY day I want to sleep in until 9 am.  I just LOVE my bed, okay?! ;)
And on the rough days when I have gone through a death, a loss, or the very most stressful day, I just want to curl in a ball and sulk. But, I have little ones that need me. So, I get out of my slump. I get dressed (kinda), put on a bra, brush my teeth and move through. These babies give purpose to push through the rough times. They bring smiles and sunshine. They bring other things to the table, too, like fighting and sassing etc but this is a POSITIVE post wrapping those little arms around their mamas/daddys  neck on an off day really does make things better.

9.Future grand babies
EVERY grandparent I have talked to says being a grandparent is ALMOST better than being a parent! For many reasons but a few are because hello! you get to have those newborn snuggles you have missed so much over the years!! You get the love and adoration and trust ALL over agin!! BUT without the stress of making sure they are perfectly dressed and fed and off to school and church and friends houses everyday! You don't have to wake up through the night to change them and feed them!! You don't have to buy the necessary feminine hygiene products for them and you DONT have to deal both the sass and frustrations of PUBERTY!! Wooohooo! I plan to be an attentive hands on grandparent, an extension of a parent to my grand children, so long as my daughters want that. So, I will be helping encourage the standards and beliefs my children teach their children. BUT, I won't have the major stress and worry that their own parents will have. If I raise my children well and if they choose, they will hopefully take lessons learned in their home growing up and my husband and I can't trust THEM to raise their children well. MAN! I'm excited for grand babies!

And number 10.

10. Love.
The perfect, honest, pure, unconditional love a child brings to your life, is the number one reason I will NEVER regret being a parent and ALWAYS be grateful for. There is NO love like the love given to you from your own special child that you watch grow everyday. That you teach. That you pour your heart and soul into. That you sacrifice for. That you worry about and think about throughout each day. Sharing your life and making memories and watching little humans grow gives such a sense of pride and happiness. The dance recitals, trips to the beach, vacations in the mountains and days spent at Disneyland are all part of this wonderful journey as a parent. We do these things because of love. The love we GIVE and the love received. Love is the reason, folks. Love will always be the reason and love will always be the answer.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

the sayings of a mama...

Between my mama and myself I have collected quite a few "sayings" I use with raising my children. Wanna know what they are...okay, sure!

I love you for goodie.
You're my favorite (insert childs name here) in the whole world.
Go the extra mile.
Do unto others.
Beautiful in your heart is the best kind of beautiful.
Kindness begins
Remember who you are.
Stick together.
Sharing is caring.
Be your own kind of beautiful.

The lazy man works twice.
Birds of a feather flock together.
I am raising capable adults.
Go look it up.
There is always something to be done.

Let me know what your fave is!


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

joking with diabetes...

Okay we all know it...Type 1 Diabetes is rough. Its terrible. It stinks. Poking fingers and counting carbs and drinking sugar late at nights is AWFUL! It's a SERIOUS thing. But the other part of that reality is that there are MANY people who deal with this daily. And if we sit in a puddle of seriousness and fear and pity, we will waste so much precious time. Attitude is EVERYTHING, right? Well, to our family it IS. We KNOW what diabetes means. But we also KNOW what it REALLY is like living with it. Times two. With TWO of our children diabetic we have had to find the positive in this.
So, last night my daughters and I laughed and laughed at some of the funny things that come with diabetes...because guess what? There ARE funny this one...
 And this...because its TRUE!
 I can't tell you how many times our girls have dealt with this!

And the BIGGEST misconception of them all...

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

raising capable adults...

oh man. When my oldest daughter {S} was born I vowed to be the best mom I could be. So it was no surprise that when she started school I planned to make a hot meal for her at least three times a week and pack a lunch filled with healthy foods (fruit, nuts, cheese, sandwich, snack) and love. ;) I took pride knowing that my daughter knew how much I cared about her because it was obvious, right?! A packed lunch says I love you in a  way nothing else can, right?! I TRULY thought this was the way. Preeeeetty much the only way to be the best mom I could be. Her hair was smooth and braided and hairsprayed. Her clothes were neat and tidy and smelled of the good stuff. Well manicured nails, back pack straps the perfect fit and a hug and smooch goodbye. Ahhhh. All was well.

By my third baby things were changing. Hair was still perfect (pah-lease). Clothes were still tidy. Shoes, homework, breakfast. But I was struggling. I wanted to do all the things I thought were the best, but sometimes I just COULDN'T do it all. I had to learn time management again. I had to prioritize. So sometimes breakfast was cereal (heaven forbid).

When I heard my best friend talk about what her children were "packing in their lunches" my heart sank. WHAT?! "But you are the best mom I know," I thought. "You don't pack your kids lunches?? You let THEM pack their OWN lunch box??" My world was rocked. ;) I watched as these little children got dressed and packed their lunches and hopped on their bikes to...get this...ride their bikes to school...themselves!!! (gasp) I mean the block and a half distance was SURE to ruin them!

I'm NOT kidding. I didn't make a scene as I watched this, I didn't even say anything. And most times that cute mama would walk with them to school with a stroller full of baby. THAT I loved! I thought that was precious! But watching this mom, who might I add was MUCH more experienced than I was (she has 9 years of parenting on me)  taught me a LOT. She taught me more than I might have ever expressed to her. She was the big sister I never had. Watching her I could hear my moms words in my head, "I am raising capable adults." My mom said these words ALL the time when I was growing up. When she pulled me put of bed (literally) around midnight to sweep the floor "the right way" or when she made me clean my entire room alone and my sister didn't have to do a bit or when she wouldn't tell me the answer to the questions I had (in which I heard "go look it up"....a LOT in my life) my mom was raising me to be a capable adult.

I never talked back growing up. But if I ever gave a look or body language that asked why on earth she was doing this to me, she would say, "I am raising capable adults." Oooooh  I grew to LOATHE when she said that. Because come on! She was exactly right but come on!! I just wanted to stay in bed!! Couldn't you just let me do it in the morning?? Nope. Because guess how many times my mom pulled me out of bed? Once. I never wanted that I swept the floor right. Or maybe she just found another way to punish me...IDK. ;)But really. She made the point. It stuck. And THAT is what we as parents are here to do.

Over the past years my daughters have grown. My job as a mom has become so much more than just a cuddle and a smile and food on the table. I have been TEACHING these humans how to LIVE. How to do the things we need to do one day on our own. So, they all know how to make a lunch for themselves. Sometimes they prefer it. Honestly there have been days when I feel like I have failed them because I didn't make their lunch. Other days I'm just so grateful they CAN. Although I still have two younger children, my parenting methods have changed to adapt to my older daughters chapters. They want to grow. They want to learn. And they NEED to!

So, while learning to adjust to my children growing up, I thought okay. I can let my kids make their own lunches. I will set the standard of what goes into the lunch and they can choose what they want. As long as they each put a FRUIT, some NUTS, CHEESE, a SANDWICH and a SNACK I would learn to let go a little. Fruit can be vegetable...dried, fresh or canned. Cheese can be string cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt/gogurt, laughing cow cheese, even a few slices of their fave sandwich cheese is fine. A sandwich can be anything from an actual sandwich or last nights left overs. This has been the saving grace for YEARS. They know what goes in to a lunch and they do it! They love it! And when they take care of each others heart melts. Watching my oldest pack EVERY lunch last night for her and her sisters was a HUGE payday. Going the extra mile was something I learned as a girl scout and I have taught my girls. Sometimes they do it. Sometimes they don't. Last night, she did.

And tonight, when I heard my precious six year old start packing her lunch like her big sister did a few minutes before...I thought I was going to break. My heart hurt. She shouldn't have to do that, I thought for a few moments. But when I snuck around the corner (creep) I saw her washing an apple fro herself, dry it (on her shirt) get a plate out and the apple cutter. She tried to cut it on the counter, but then said to herself out loud, "I'll do it down here so I can reach." I watched her brace herself. I saw her balance her hands with the apple and the cutter. Then I saw her gleam with pride as she cut. It shifted as she pushed down so the pieces were misshapen. I went to her to help her. I told her I was so proud of her. She took each piece out and placed them in a baggie. She was SO proud of herself. And so was I. It took me sometime, but I think I can be okay with it. I might have  a six year old that makes her own lunch, and you might think like I once did...thats abusive! (hahaha)But hey guess what? I am raising capable adults.  One day they will not only be able to make their own lunch, but they will be confident, serving, giving capable adults. And THAT was the goal all along.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

the awful truth about parenting...

They grow up. I mean it. Its the worst. Its the truth that we all know and the truth we will all face. But  there have defiantly been times when I think it will never come. Somedays we have this thought in back of our minds that as we are living in the roughest worst times a human being can ever be subjected to, it won't ever end! Our homes will always be a mess ( this is true..and I don't like it), we won't EVER get a good night sleep, and can't we just make ONE meal that everyone likes! Sheesh! 

 The fighting NEVER ends! The homework keeps adding up. The chores arent done correctly, the car is always a wreck, won't ANYONE ever empty the dish washer without being asked? The laundry will NEVER...really it just won't EVER stop piling up. Who wears tis stuff anyway?! Seriously didn't you just try this on and now its in the hamper?! The shower will always be an area of fussing, someone will always need their hair redone and my gas tan will never be filled for more than a day. 
Its the worst!! Did I really sign up for this? Permanent taxi driver...thats me! Expert birthday present getter for the past...HI! i'm right here! Diorama and science project professional ...its in my resume. 
This is the time of my life where sometimes seeing the light at the and of the
 tunnel is NOT happening. 

But the flip side seems awful. 

I'm no expert on this flying the coop thing. I haven't experienced it at all yet. But as I watch my parents go through each of their six children leaving the nest, I can't help but think what it could be like for me. And when I DO think about it, I want to vomit. Because these girls are my whole life.  15 years ago my life became something greater. It actually MEANT something. These chidlren, one by one, changed me and have made me who I really am today. (yes, taxi driver is part of who I am..and I'm okay with that).  My life has revolved around them. My thoughts decisions and actions have been for them. So to imagine one by one they will LEAVE...AHHH! How is that possibly the best thing for anyone?!

               Its a truth I don't want to know.  It's a truth I am hesitant to meet. When the day comes I know I will put on brave face on and be excited while preparing each of them for a new chapter...and I will crumble the moment they take flight. I know I will be happy for them...they will be doing whats good and right. But my mommy heart will break. And my mommy heart will lean on and hold tight to the faith I have in them and the way I have tried to raise them.   All my days of thought and prayer and concern and energy given for these babes will be put to the test. The truth will be known. How did I REALLY do as a parent? Did I teach them enough? Did I love them enough? The truth is one day it won't be up to me anymore. One day the fruits of my labor will be shown.  And my beautiful chicks will become beautiful swans, gliding and floating and making their marks in the world.  

Its a day I am completely comfortable with taking its time to get here.

Monday, October 12, 2015

if only i could freeze time...

these precious little arms have already gotten bigger. 

I remember when I took this photo. 
Of course I do, it wasn't too long ago. 
We took a little bike ride to the park near our home. 
We had a picnic lunch packed. We did this knowing a storm was in store, so we 
took an umbrella with us. We sat on the cool grass. We watched the ants carry crumbs in a straight line. We munched a little. We chatted a lot. We played on the tire swing and I watched her climb the stairs to the big slide. I prayed she wouldn't get hurt. She smiled and laughed. 
It was kinda like a story book...or a movie. Because REALLY it was perfection. 
Its the kind of moments in life we all want but finding them sometimes takes more time than it should. I  didn't want this day to end. I snapped a photo knowing I wanted to remember this forever. And not just in my mind. 

 Then the rain came. We opened our umbrella and sat under it while the drops fell on us. IT WAS PERFECT. We enjoyed the quick shower. We let the water hit our feet.

 I wish we could go back to that minute. It really wasn't that long ago but my heart aches for it. The time goes by so quickly. As much as I LOVE watching my babies grow up and seeing the wonderful people they are becoming, it hurts to see these chubby hands get thin. Its difficult, truly difficult to not have my little ones cupped in my arms and swaddled by my chest this same way. Don't think I don't try! Because oh yes I do! I scoop my darlings up like babies more than I should admit ;) I can't help it. I LOVE them. All the crazy that comes with parenthood is peanuts compared to the joys of being with these little people. 

So while these little arms don't wrap around me like this anymore, its okay. 
It doesnt mean they don't wrap around me at all. 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

easiest chicken dinner...

thank you thank you Kimber over at for this AMAZING recipe! If you haven't seen this or tried this you MUST! Simple, tasty and gluten free!

I used 4 chicken breasts
Basil pesto
2 Roma tomatoes
1 cup shredded mozzarella

Lay your chicken breast in a glass pyrex like dish. Spread a few tablespoons of pesto on top. I baked this for 25 mins. Then I added sliced tomatoes on top and and sprinkled about a cup of mozzarella cheese on top. Then I cooked it for another 10 mins.

Seriously. If this isn't easy enough and SCRUMPTIOUS enough for you...I don't know what to tell ya! Happy Sunday!

Friday, October 9, 2015

the teenagers perspective...

Its funny, we think we know what our children think of us. We think we know how they feel. We might even think for one second that we are doing a good job! And then, after a fun night having one on one time with on of your teens, it happens...the truth comes out. In the most respectful manner possible, with "I'm sorry" and "I don't mean to offend you" the truth comes out.

I tried to keep my emotions to myself. I let her say what she wanted to say, I even asked her to elaborate, to make sure she gets her feelings out and her point across. REALLY. Tell me how you feel.

This teen in particular has a GREAT way with words. She is thoughtful in the words she chooses, and yet honest to the core. So, naturally, the words spilled out. Her observations were shared. My wants were to defend, but my instincts told me to wait. Let her say what she needs. Let her be heard, and above all else, learn from what she is saying.

Its funny, because the way I was raised was TOTALLY different. It didn't matter what I thought. I was a child. A teenager. My option didn't count. I was respectful. Obedient. Quiet when I was supposed to be quiet and I got consequences even if I didn't earn them. Because I wouldn't dare fight or talk back. But, I feel like this generation of parents are trying to raise children in a different way. Some of those ways I feel are absurd. (post another time) But other ways, that I am embracing, are great. I feel like listening to my children is a GREAT way to parent. I feel like there is a line between disrespectful children and honest children. I have worked HARD to build a relationship with my children based on respect and trust... on BOTH sides. Hopefully teaching by example that I am deserving of respect but they, too, are deserving of respect from their parents. I'm trying to teach them that we are the safe place for them to turn to. That as a family we need to stick together.

So, when my teenager comes to me with honest words about ME, I am not offended. I don't feel disrespected. I am not under attack by a naughty child or a rude teenager. I am letting my wonderful child let her feelings out. Letting her have a voice. Building a relationship. Communication is COMPLETELY different from argument. Letting my child communicate her thoughts and feelings might be rough for a bit because the truth SHE sees might not be the truth I see. Because teenagers don't see the "behind the scenes" of raising a family and being married and making choices EVERYDAY that effect more than just one person aaaaaand that most of the time HAVE to be made with another person. They don't see that. They don't see the ones I take for the team, the battles I choose to give to my husband or to my children. And they dont see the times he gives the battle to me. Or the things he does quietly while they sleep, or are at school, or doing the wonderful things they love to do. Sometimes its really important for them to see and know of those things we do...but sometimes they just get to go about their lives not knowing all the secrets to being a spouse and a parent. Those are things they will get to learn first hand.

So, when my daughter opens up and tells me things that she thinks about, things she sees, things that matter to her, things she doesnt understand, I won't worry. I will meet her opinions and thoughts with open arms...because guys, its just another chance of me to teach my daughter. Another chance I get to  bond with her, another way I get to build the relationship on trust and understanding. And hopefully, all the time spent and energy given, will lead these little humans down a path of success.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

a big dose of mom guilt...

My child is sick...ugh. Its one of the WORST things a mom hears/says. For many reasons. First and foremost, its upsetting that out sweet children get sick. We don't want them to feel awful. We don't want them to be in pain. We want them healthy and playing and learning and smiling!

 But unfortunately, sickness comes about every child. And when it is one of my beauties turn, I turn into  different mom. I wish I was the kind of mom that was able to JUST sit and snuggle my sick one. I wish we could JUST watch television all day, read our favorite books, eat a warm cup of soup and take a nap.

BUT reality is different. At least for me. When my children get sick my first goal is to get the sick one better. My second goal is to make sure it doesnt spread. This turns me into my alter ego, Super Germ Killer! Once this mama changes into this uniform its all over. These germs don't stand a chance!

Typically when I have a sick babe, I got through at least one bottle of lysol spray, a tub of lysol wipes, a few ounces of hand sanitizer and TONS of hand soap. My laundry piles gets taller and my washer is running more. I bust out my Do Terra oils like a mad scientist/hocus pocus witch concocting mystical potions that wipe out illness in a flash!

When I have a sick babe it amazes me that my daily chores and duties STILL call my name...imagine that! The dishes still need to be done, toilets still need to be scrubbed. Things still spill, on the floor needing to be cleaned and the counters still get sticky. Breakfast, lunch and dinner still needs to be planned and prepared and served...and then cleaned up. Errands still need to be run, groceries still need to be bought, phone calls STILL need to be made. On top of the already existing list of to do's, having a sick babe usually means a new list. A doctor appointment, maybe a pharmacy run, a call to excuse them from school. If its a upset tummy sickness, I usually have throw up to clean and blankets to add to that laundry pile.

Sometimes when they are sick, I feel like a chicken running around with my head cut off! That and Cinderella combined! Mom I need a drink. Mommy can you get me a new blankie. Mom I feel hot. (run to get the thermometer and medicine.) Mommy can I have a snack. (Anything that isn't dairy, isn't sugar, doesnt have red 40 and too rough on their throats) A mama could go bananas!

Usually, when all the chores are squeezed into the day of sick, and all the meals are done, the other family members are taken care of and I can take  a deep breath, I can lay with the sick one and cuddle until they fall asleep in my arms. Just to do it all again the next day.

One day I might be that mom that does NOTHING but cuddles and snuggles with my sick babe. But with SO many other needs from me...and so many IMPORTANT things to run around doing FOR the sick one, I just feel lucky I can hold them AT ALL. It will always hurt my heart that I can't be the rocking chair mama...but at least my children get better fast, right? And MOST of then time, no one else in the family gets sick. Which is saying a LOT! Because a sick MAMA is NOT allowed ;)

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

you don't have to be a professional...

You guys. Theres have been SO many times when I think, "I'm going to get back into running!" Or maybe I'll think about yoga, or running the stadium steps. Take up a spin class at the gym! 

But something stops me. Maybe  family duties. Maybe I get lazy. Or maybe I want to spend my time visiting with a pal. Sometimes I find myself unmotivated to start because I think I'm not strong enough. I feel like if I go into spin class or the Zumba class I won't be able to keep up...and thats intimidating. It really is. 
Let me say this, I find peace and happiness in a couple things in the fitness world. Running and yoga. 
If I want to pick them back up again, I find myself doing these things ALONE. On my own. Sporadically. I have had a running buddy before. And I love my stadiums girls! And honestly, one day soon I hope to do that spin class. I know I will be that slower girl in the back. But until then, I take a bit of time for myself, by myself, doing whatever makes me feel good. Its not a workout with instructions. Its not written down. I don't have a trainer or a video or a clock. I just do my own thing. And feel good about it. I'm NO professional fitness gal. I don't lift weights. I don't know what each muscle is called. I don't know each pose in yoga...and half the time I'm pretty sure I'm not doing them right. But I get myself out and moving and stretching. I find happiness in knowing I'm not a professional...and thats okay. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

engaged in intentional parenting...

I watched the LDS General Conference this weekend and a few different things stuck out to me that I wanted to share and chat about.

Ask yourself, are you parenting with thought and reason? Do you THINK about the things you are about to say to your children before you say them? Do you try to understand the reasons your children do the things they do? Are you engaged in parenting your children...and do you do you have the best of intentions for THEM?

 This subject is probably one of my VERY favorites I listened to. Engaging in intentional parenting.  I take parenting pretty serious. Maybe too serious sometimes. When I was handed each of my children I knew I wanted to do my best. I wanted to be more than just in their lives. I wanted to be a source of security and safety for them. I wanted to give these beautiful angels EVERY chance possible to succeed in this life. In MY opinion, to succeed means SO many things. I want my children to be kind. To know who they are. To know where they come from. I want them to be smart. Have  great education. Thoughtful. Unselfish. I want them to find love and be loved and be loving. I want them to be strong and gentle. I want them to have manners and respect. If they had these things, I would think it was successful. Along with a few others things. 

 I knew it was mostly MY responsibility to help them learn these things. So began my intentional parenting. Most choices I made, I did intentionally.  I would need to be a good example to them. I would need to watch the things I do and say and the way I behave. If I want my children to be respectful...then I need to show them respect. I don't believe that just because I am their mother  I GET respect from them. I have to earn it. And I need to give it. If I didn't want my children to speak a certain way, then I couldn't either. If I wanted them to be amazing readers, I would need to encourage reading and read myself. You, get the point.

I want my children to KNOW who they are. That they belong somewhere. That they are part of something so large and important. That they, as an individual, are SO important. That they are never overlooked. I want them to have a relationship with God. I want them to know they are loved and cared for. I knew I would need to teach them and be the example. It would need to be an intentional decision to teach them daily about this.  I LOVE when my children walk in on me when I am praying. They see how important it is. And I love even more when I walk I on their prayer time. 

Not only do I find these things important but PLAYING with our babies is so important! So spending my extra time with them is HUGE! The are my most favorite people! Fishing and swimming and reading and saying and chalking drawing and shopping and traveling are all thins that help us get to know each other and make memories. But, spending that time with each other opens time for us to talk. To teach and share with each other the things that are important. 

I have said it a MILLION times, parenting four daughters is rough...because of the chat time! However, I have also said it is one of the greatest things about them, too. This chat time is when we talk about anything and everything. 

Being engaged in our children lives will bring us closer as a family. I truly feel that if parents engage in parenting EACH child they have, and EACH day, those children will grow to be confident, happy and secure. Which then leads to success. And if each parent engages in parenting, they will feel a sense of happiness and pride in themselves. I feel so much better about myself when I spend time with my children. When they have amount of attention they need, there is less reason for them to act out in negative ways.  I feel like it is THE BEST thing for everyone involved.

So, my goal this week is to make sure I am making the time with my darlings matter. I will make sure they know they are loved and important and have wonderful qualities about them. I want to play with them more...maybe I will bring out some boards games this week! And a new box of side walk chalk NEVER hurts! And if it rains, like the reports predict, maybe I will take advantage of that and dance and play in the rain with them! Because I only get one chance and I want to make it a great one!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

How to win an argument ...

Why doesn't my husband understand this fully yet? I mean I THINK he does but there is something really teeny tiny in that mans brain that must tell him, "This one...try to win this one!" What? Like he royally thinks he can out smart out talk or out reason with me?? Oh honey lemme tell you. This girl has a LOT of things on her side that will help her win the argument. One. A vagina. I am a WOMAN. A life giver. A life sustainer. Thats it. thats all I need. I win.

But just in case you need more reasons, here ya go. Imma talker. It's my one and only talent. This talent of mine SCREAMs I'm gunna win. My ability to out word my husband is my armor. The ability to say 72,000 word per minute that makes SENSE is my sword. I got this.

Oh and hi my name is Teresa. I'm half Latina. I know its a stereotype and some silly's might actually be offended by this but hey...its truth. The stereo type came from somewhere. So you just stand aside.Watch the show if you desire. It's probably fun :) Actually, my husband says its one of his favorite things. He says he loves to get me mad. He actually says I'm prettier when I'm mad.  (hahaha)

Now after he has worn out and exhausted all his avenues,  (and trust me...he really tries! he play a mean silent treatment) he realizes there will always be one winner...the Queen Bee. He can get as mad as he wants. He will try his hardest sometimes. I have had moments when I think he is about to win, he is about to win. I can't find one last ounce of fight left in me. And then who come out of their corner with arms a blazing...reaching for a hug?
Thats right...he loves me. So maybe sometime...just SOMETIMES, he actually LET'S me win. ;) 

seasoning recipes...

I am a BIG healthy eating chick. yes i eat a LOT of sweet treats, too. The ingredients in the food I eat are for the MOST part researched by my incredible sister or myself. You are what you eat, right? Well, there are some things I just MISS so terribly that I want but refuse to buy. Like ranch dressing. The powder mix, mostly. And almost every other dressing flavor packets, for  that matter. They are so handy to put onto of meats and such for scrumptious dinners!  But, the amounts of MSG in those make me want to vomit, among other things. Top Ramen. Sloppy Joe mix. Mrs. Dash. These are all friends I can't invite into my house. So I have found my OWN ways of having these delicious flavors without the harmful imngredients! With help from things I have looked up online, I have mixed and mingled my scrumptious spices and seasonings to make delicious meals for my family! Creole seasoning,  mock mrs. dash, taco seasoning, and my newest italian dressing! I don't have to order online from fancy expensive places and have seasonings shipped to me...I can make them on my own :) and they are organic, too!

here are a few of my FAVORITES!

Italian Dressing

1 TBS of each 
Garlic powder, onion powder, white sugar, dried parsley, salt

1 tsp of each
black pepper, dried basil

2 TBS dried oregano
1/4 tsp dried thyme
1/4 tsp celery salt

mix in a  jar.

in a separate jar mix 1/4 cup white vinegar, 2/3 cup olive oil,
2TBS water and 2 TBS of your mix. shake it, shake shake it. shake it shake shake it. shake it shake shake it. shake it like a polaroid picture.

Taco Seasoning

1/4 tsp crushed red pepper, 1/2 tsp paprika, 1/4 tsp dreid oregano, 1 1/2 tsp cumin, 1 tsp sea salt, 1/4 tsp onion powder. 1 tsp black pepper 1/4 tsp garlic powder and 1 TBS chili powder.  i use this on so many things!! mix it with some sour cream even!

Mock Mrs. Dash
3tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp pepper
1 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp rosemary
1 tsp oregano
1 1/2 tsp savory (you don't have to use this)
1 tsp marjoram
1 1/2 tsp parsley
1 1/2 tsp basil
1/2 tsp thyme

Creole Seasoning
2 1/2 TBS paprika
2 TBS salt
2 TBS garlic powder
1 TBS black pepper
1 TBS onion powder
1 TBS cayenne pepper
1 TBS dried oregano
1 TBS dried thyme

store in a n air tight jar :)